Cognitive Load Management

Cognitive Load Management: the ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools and techniques.

Statistical Methodology

This course was designed to provide students with a solid background in introductory and intermediate level statistical methods. The class covered basic univariate statistics, bivariate analysis, and multiple regression techniques. It emphasized the process of conducting empirical research employing a social scientific approach. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) was widely used and core concepts such as levels of measurement, probability theory, and hypothesis testing were covered.


The final project was a data analysis paper on the viability of a New Product Concept.

Professor Diana Owen

Final Project: New Product Concept Research

The purpose of this report is to provide senior management at The Healthy Living Company with accurate information and reliable direction on a key strategic resource allocation decision – “Whether or not to invest financial and intellectual capital against VivaciousMe, the first customizable, mobile biomedical device designed to optimize an individual’s biological resource utilization decision-making process.” The academic case has been made for its potential, but now comes the moment where ideas translate into quantifiable decision-making variables. Senior management needs to decide whether or not to launch this new product and, simultaneously, it needs to produce a prioritized list of product features for its product designers to begin working on a prototype. They need a proven measure of consumer demand and accurate weightings attached to each potential product feature. Before committing to the commercialization of VivaciousMe, senior management at The Healthy Living Company must address these information gaps, and thus commissioned a new product concept research project.


Final Paper

New Product Concept Research Report Summary: VivaciousMe

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